Künstler und Autoren
Andreas Magdanz
Dienststelle Marienthal
New York Times, 2004, "Pictures at the Hotel Armageddon"
"... There are 25,000 doors in the bunker complex at Marienthal, only 38 of which open to the world outside. Among the hundreds of rooms where the sun never shone are 897 offices and conference areas and 936 sleeping cubicles. Canteens, showers, medical areas, a printing shop, a hair salon, a television studio and - most touchingly - a post office were provided for the inhabitants, along with two large bays for bicycles, the chief form of transportation around the nearly 12 miles of galleries and tunnels ..."
Andreas Magdanz
Dienststelle Marienthal- 280 Seiten, deutsch, 2010
Bei MagBooks erschienen
- BND-Standort Pullach
- Camp Vogelsang
- Dienststelle Marienthal